©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015. Image shows garland bearers.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Gawthorpe Maypole 2015
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Gawthorpe Maypole 2015
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Morris and Molly dancers performing in Thornham, Norfolk,UK
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015. Image shows crowns being conveyed by a retinue of page boys.
Ickwell May Day 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015. The crowning of Queen Jenny Hawkes,
Image by Si Barber
?Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Morris dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Dignitaries and constables of King's Lynn at the annual Lynn Mart opening.
St George's celebrations in Downham Market, Norfolk,UK
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted
Residents of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire celebrating Plough Monday, traditionally the start of the agricultural year which occurs on t…
Ickwell May Day 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015. IMage shows female Morris dancers.
Ickwell May Day 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015. IMage shows female Morris dancers.
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Morris and Molly dancers performing in Thornham, Norfolk,UK
Ickwell May Day 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015, with 2014 May Queen Katie Bryant.
Ickwell May Day 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Ickwell May Day celebration 2015
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Morris and Molly dancers performing in Thornham, Norfolk,UK
Si Barber 07739 472 922 Maypole dancing in Hayfield, Derbyshire
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Morris and Molly dancers performing in Thornham, Norfolk,UK
? Si Barber 07739 472 922 Morris and Molly dancers performing in Thornham, Norfolk,UK
Stilton Cheesrolling Tradition.
Participants in the Stilton Cheese Rolling Competition in Stilton, Cambs which takes place each year to commemorate the production…
St George's celebrations in Downham Market, Norfolk,UK