©Si Barberb Moral rights asserted
The Eberhardt Arctic oil tanker in the dock at Tilbury, Essex.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
?Si Barber/07739 472 922 Fiddlers Reach in Grays, Essex, the site of a proposed housing estate.
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarouth Harbour
The Malaviya Twenty in Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned and crewed ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for…
Great Yarouth Harbour
View of Great Yarmouth Harbour,UK. The Indian owned Malaviya Twenty ship was detained in the dock from December 2015 for safety f…
The dredger Manu Pekka from Helsinki which is laying the BBL pipeline in the Wash,Norfolk.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Comic actors recreating the battle of Trafalgar, King's Lynn,Norfolk.
©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Felixstowe Docks in Suffolk, UK.
Comic actors recreating the battle of Trafalgar, King's Lynn,Norfolk.
Image by Si Barber
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. A Mark Viii torpedo, similar to the one that sank the General Belgrano Ship during the Falkands…
Image by Si Barber
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. A Mark Viii torpedo, similar to the one that sank the General Belgrano Ship during the Falkands…