Camilla Balshaw
Writer Camilla Balshaw
Camilo's Bar
Canoeing on the Norfolk Broads
Canoeing on the Norfolk Broads with Nicola Iseard and Mark Wilkinson aka The Canoe Man.
Catfield Fen, Norfolk
Catfield Fen, Norfolk, which is subject to a dispute over the amount of water being abstracted from the land.
Cath Elliott, writer
Center Parcs
Elveden, Norfolk
Ch Supt Chris Bourlet and Bob Pull at New Scotland Yard
Ch Supt Chris Bourlet (uniformed) and Bob Pull at New Scotland Yard, London
Championship Conkers
Journalist Angel Gurria Quintana (white shirt) receiving lessons in the game of conkers form Former World Champion Neil Fraser.
Charles Clarke Election Campaign
On the hustings with Charles Clarke, candidate for Norwich South at Violet Elvin Court residential home Stannard Road, Norwich, N…
Cheese rolling in Stilton, Cambridgeshire
©Si Barber/07739 472 922.Participants in the Stilton Cheese Rolling Competition in Stilton, Cambs which takes place each year to c…
Chemical Spill Exercise
Emergency services rehearse a chemical spill event in Cambridgeshire.
Children Playing In The Street